Dovrebanen – Jernbanehistorisk forening

Dovrebanen – Jernbanehistorisk forening

v/Mogens Juul Rasmussen

Kletvold, 7340 Oppdal.

Tlf 72 42 06 37

Mobil 992 73 070


1 tanke om “Dovrebanen – Jernbanehistorisk forening

  1. Dear Dovrebanen
    I wonder if you can help a historic rail restoration project here in Scotland.
    We are renovating-restoring a NSB 5010. It was build in 1914 and we are close to completing our restoration.
    We are doing our best in keeping it authentic but of course, sometimes it is difficult if not impossible to source items.
    However, I am hoping you can help. We are in need of a Tail Lamp for this wagon.
    A Google search on «NSB 5010 Fife Heritage Railways» will give you more information on what is being done.
    Please send me you email address so I can give you more details.

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